1. Do you prefer listening to songs in your own language or in English? Why?
2. Do you know what single or album is at number one in the Top 20 or the Top 40? Are you interested?
3. What do you think is more important for a pop song to be a hit: a catchy tune or good lyrics?
4. Who do you think has written the best tunes/lyrics?
5. What's the best live performance you've ever been to?
6. Are you a big fan of any particular pop group or artist?

1. Explain the difference between a comedy and a comedian.
2. Explain the difference between a cartoon on TV and a cartoon in the newspaper.
3. Explain the difference: funny, fun and make fun of.
4. What do these words and expression mean: witty, You must be joking!, pull someone's leg, irony, sense of humour.
5. Who is the comedian who really makes you laugh?
6. What is the comedy programme on TV that you find really funny? Why?
7. Can you name a film or a book that you found really funny?
8. What's your favourite comedy series from Spain? Why?
9. What's your favourite comedy series from another country? Why?
10. Do you ever laugh at the wrong moment or until you cry? When does it happen?
11. Do you ever laugh at people if they do something stupid? Do you laugh at yourself?

1. Are you a hypochondriac?
2. Do you think hypochondriacs are more often men or more often women? Why?
3. Do you think people in Spain tend to be hypochondriacs?
4. Do you know any hypochondriacs? What sort of things do they complain about? What are their symptoms?
5. Which offers a better service, public or private medicine? Why?
6. Should private medicine exist? Why (not)?
7. Would you like to stay young for ever? Why (not)? What problems can you imagine?
8. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of your present age? Why?
9. At what age, do you think. is someone old enough to have children?
10. At what age, do you think, is someone old enough to get married?

1. Do you think people will be marrying less in 20 years' time? Why (not)?
2. Do you think people will be treated by virtual doctors in 20 years' time?
3. Do you think people will be using more alternative medicine in 20 years' time?
4. Do you think scientists will be cloning people in 20 years' time?
5. Do you think the birth rate in Europe will have gone up in 20 years' time?

1. What kind of scientist studies animals, plants and other living things?
2. What kind of scientist studies the structure of substances?
3. What kind of scientist studies natural forces such as light, sound, etc?
4. Why do scientists do experiments? Where do they do them?What do you call the people that scientists use in experiments?
5. What's the difference between hardware and software?
6. What's the difference between a file and a folder?

1. What food and drink contains caffeine?
2. How much caffeine do you have a day?
3. Does it have a positive effect on you?
4. Are you addicted to caffeine?
5. Have you ever tried to give up or cut down? How did you feel?
6. Are you addicted to any of these things:
the internet/chat rooms watching TV (or a particular programme)
listening to music doing a job (workaholic)
computer games shopping
cleaning the house gambling/playing on fruit machines
doing a hobby playing a sport/watching sport
7. Do you know anyone who is addicted to any of them?
8. How long do they usually spend on the activity?
9. What effect does it have on their family?
10. Have they ever tried to give up or do less? Why?
11. Were they successful?

1. Name a singer you used to like when you were younger and are now embarrassed about.
2. Say something that you used to do as a child that your family still talk about.
3. Name a food you didn't use to like but you do now.
4. Tell me about a change at work/school/university that was a problem at first but now you are used to.
5. Tell me about a piece of technology that you found difficult to use at first but are now used to using.

1. Have you ever got really lost in a car?
2. Have you ever run out of petrol?
3. Have you ever had a puncture?
4. Has your car ever broken down?
5. Have you ever missed something important because of traffic problems?
6. Have you ever been stopped in a car by the police?
7. Have you ever stopped to pick up a hitch-hiker?

8. When did that happen? Where were you going? What did you do? What happened in the end?