1. NAMES1. Do you like your name? Why did your parents call you that?
2. Have you got a nickname?
3. What´s your favorite name for a boy/for a girl?
4. What factors should parents take into account when they choose a name for a child?
5. Do you think your name affects the way other people think of you?
2. MUSIC1. What kind of music/singers did you like when you were younger?
2. Have your tastes changed much?
3. Do you play a musical instrument? Which one? When did you start to play?
4. Have you ever played or sung in front of a big audience? When did that happen? How did you feel?
5. What kind of music do you like listening to when you´re tired/at a party/in a ´live´ concert/at home/in the car?
6. What singer/composer do you like most? Why?
3. THE MEDIA1. How much TV do you watch in a typical week? What kind of programs do you especially like/dislike/hate/love?
2. What would you do to improve the programs on TV in your country?
3. Do you think more TV channels is a good or a bad thing? Why?
4. Are newspapers in your country biased or objective?
5. Do most people read a daily newspaper? Do you read a daily newspaper? Why (not)?
6. How often do you listen to the radio? What´s your favorite radio station? Why?
7. Do you think the standard of radio programs is better or worse than TV programs? Why?
4. HUMOR1. Do you have a good sense of humor? Why do you think so?
2. Who´s the funniest person in your family? Does everyone else in your family agree on that?
3. Do you like jokes? Why (not)? Are you good at telling jokes? Why (not)?
4. What or who makes you laugh?
5. Do you have a favorite comedian? If so, who is he/she?
6. What´s the funniest book you´ve ever read? Why?
7. What´s the funniest movie you´ve ever seen? Why did you find it funny?
8. What´s your favorite comedy program? Why is it your favorite?
9. Which do you prefer, British or American humor? Why?
5. FAME1. Do you think there are more famous people nowadays than in the past? Why?
2. Do you think people often suffer because they are famous? Why (not)?
3. Do you think it is right that the media intrude in the private lives of famous people? Why (not)?
4. Why do you think some people are so interested in the lives of famous people (e.g., the people who read tabloids and buy magazines about them)?
5. Do famous people today provide a good model for young people? Why (not)?
6. Would you like to be famous? Why (not)? Do you look up to any famous person? Why (not)?
6. NATIONAL STEREOTYPES1. What do you like most about people from your country? Why? What do you like the least? Why?
2. What nationality/nationalities do you admire? Why?
3. What´s the stereotype image other nationalities have of people from your country/region? How much of the stereotype is true?
4. Do you feel very Spanish/Polish/... etc?